Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom by Carl Trueman FREE

Faithlife and Crossway and One Audio are giving away the audiobook Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom by Carl Trueman FREE this month. 

From the publisher: 

Martin Luther’s historical significance can hardly be overstated. Known as the father of the Protestant Reformation, Luther has had an enormous impact on Western Christianity and culture. In Luther on the Christian Life, part of the Theologians on the Christian Life series, historian Carl Trueman introduces readers to the lively Reformer, taking them on a tour of his historical context, theological system, and approach to the Christian life. Whether exploring Luther’s theology of protest, ever-present sense of humor, or misunderstood view of sanctification, this book will help modern readers go deeper in their spiritual walk by learning from one of the great teachers of the faith. 

Get your free copy Here on Logos or Here One-audiobooks 


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