Rules for Reformers and Decluttering Your Marriage by Douglas Wilson (Free till 11/5)

Canon Press is giving away two eBooks Rules for Reformers and Decluttering Your Marriage by Douglas Wilson FREE. The offer ends 11/5. 

From the publisher: 

Rules for Reformers 

Why don't we win the culture wars? This second edition includes an all-new preface!

In Rules for Reformers, Douglas Wilson poaches the political craft of radical progressives and applies it to Christian efforts in the current culture war. The result is a spicy blend of combat manual and cultural manifesto. Rules for Reformers is a little bit proclamation of grace, a little bit Art of War, and a little bit analysis of past embarrassments and current cowardice, all mixed together with a bunch of advanced knife-fighting techniques. As motivating as it is provocative, Rules for Reformers is just plain good to read. Thanks to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals -- a book well-beloved by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many others -- for much of the shrewd advice, and for none of the worldview.

This book is published by Canon Press. At Canon Press, we’re gospel outfitters: no matter who you are or what you do, you’re called to be increasing in Biblical faithfulness. That’s because Jesus’s death and resurrection changed everything: All of Christ, for all of life, for all the world.

  As the wisest man said, “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works” (Eccl. 9:7).

We believe reformation and revival start from faith in the Lord with joyful obedience to the Bible, and that is what makes everyday tasks significant and transforms culture. Because of these beliefs, we offer books on Christian living, encouragement, contentment, raising kids, healthy marriages, educational choices, classical education, homeschooling, politics, government, feminism, identity, manhood, womanhood, singleness, virtue, and so much more.

Decluttering Your Marriage

Have you ever felt your marriage get cluttered up with sins and cumulative wrongs? Do you wish that you could deal with it, but don't know where to begin? Douglas Wilson loves to point out that the way you fix these sorts of sin pile-ups is the same way you declutter a garage: Begin with the first layer, work to the bottom, and then keep it clean. That's because the key to a good marriage is honest, complete, and humble confession of sin. This short little book, coming from a pastor with forty years of experience, offers concrete practical suggestions about how to confess sin properly and how to avoid other snares that married people tend to get snagged on, usually depending on whether they're the man or the woman. Decluttering Your Marriage will give you much gospel advice, with much gospel encouragement. Features an extra checklist to help implement this book in your day-to-day lives.

Get your free eBook Rules for Reformers HERE 
and Decluttering Your Marriage HERE

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