Isaiah 40-66 Eerdmans Critical Commentary by Shalom Paul (Free)

This month Logos is giving away Isaiah 40-66: A Commentary (The Eerdmans Critical Commentary) by Shalom Paul free. After studying the subject I disagree with the conclusion that there is more than one Isaiah's. J. Alec Motyer has a better commentary, however, I enjoy reading other people's perspectives and the price (FREE)

From the publisher:

Isaiah 40–66: A Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)
This Eerdmans Critical Commentary volume is Shalom Paul’s comprehensive, all-inclusive study of the oracles of an anonymous prophet known only as Second Isaiah who prophesied in the second half of the sixth century B.C.E. Paul examines Isaiah 40–66 through a close reading of the biblical text, offering thorough exegesis of the historical, linguistic, literary, and theological aspects of the prophet’s writings. He also looks carefully at intertextual influences of earlier biblical and extrabiblical books, draws on the contributions of medieval Jewish commentators, and supports the contention that Second Isaiah should include chapters 55–66, thus eliminating the need to demarcate a Third Isaiah.

Get your copy here! 

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